This is a classical art piece Richard. I think it is one of the most important 
contributions, as your work in general, to a 21 cc. Bogdanovite call -for the 
creation of millions of Lenins (organizers) for the win. The need to turn 
everyone to managers, so that there is no one remaining to be managed by 
another, is at its peak today. Every one needs to learn about the history and 
logic of theatre, acting, role playing, poetry, rhetoric, art in general, as 
the basis of myths, religions, politics; foundation of the class war game, to 
end the game. Before the game end us. 

> On 10 Jan 2018, at 17:30, Richard Barbrook <> 
> wrote:
> Hiya,
> I traced the different versions of the intermediate
> class from Henri Saint-Simon's early-19th century
> Industrials  to Charlie Leadbeater and Paul Miller's
> 1990s Pro-Ams on page 28 onwards in 
> The Class of the New (OpenMute, London 2006).
> You can download the pdf from the link at the top
> of this page.
> Richard
> =======================
> Dr. Richard Barbrook
> Dept of Politics and IR,
> University of Westminster
> 32-38 Wells Street
> England
> +44 (0)7879 441873
> Skype: richard.barbrook
> Facebook: Richard Barbrook
> Twitter: @richardbarbrook
> 'Clause 5: That as the laws ought to be equal, so 
> they must be good, and not evidently destructive 
> to the safety and well-being of the people.' 
> The Levellers, The 1647 Agreement of the People 
> for a Firm and    Present Peace Upon Grounds of 
> Common Right.
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