I very much like the idea of a communication network expanded to aliens
(us included) and the question of imperialistic subordination of ones by
others. It would probably not be called internet, require a better
understanding and use of our "other senses and sensors".
Maybe it exists and we dumbs don't perceive it... or we don't know that
certain waves effects are signs of it... or we produce too much
electromagnetic pollution to be able to catch it, or...

Just fro the fun.
Do you know Italo Calvino's Cosmicomics. There is a tasty novel talking
precisely about intergalactic communication, that is worth reading.

For the first amateur radio satellite, they could call it Loretta Strong
( from Copi's theater play) or Walt Dangerfield (from  P. K. Dick's Dr
Bloodmoney). I think that should enable a better communication to/with
space, cause they are intergalactically known and explicit, nope ?

"Spéculez, spéculez, il en sortira toujours quelque chose"

Le 11/01/2018 à 16:06, K E N O a écrit :
> Let’s assume (so called intelligent) aliens would exist. What do you think: 
> How would communication work with those aliens? How would it change the 
> Internet if we expanded it to different planets? I’ve been wondering if 
> hierarchical structures between the new lifeforms and us humans would occur – 
> like a new form of imperialism.
... Furthermore the first amateur radio satellite will be sent to space
(https://www.amsat.org). Do you think this will enable astronomy and
communication to/with space for a broader audience?
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