I give the Guggenheim some credit, though the Cattelano is a cynical piece of 
crap anyway. The ironies there are instructive. Where is a more fitting home 
for it than in the bathroom of a racist who is obsessed with gold?

And if both analogies are correct, then farting in the Fueher’s face is not an 
opportunity to be missed. It’s on his level. 


> On Feb 1, 2018, at 5:53 AM, Felix Stalder <fe...@openflows.com> wrote:
> This analogy is wrong.
> The better one might be the Polish cavalry charging against German tanks
> in September 1939. Impeccable in style, even scoring a micro-victory,
> but no match to the forces just unleashed.
> Felix
> On 2018-02-01 00:02, Morlock Elloi wrote:
>>> From: Nancy specter
>>> Sent: Friday, September 15, 2017 8:18 AM
>>> To: Smithi Donna A.-- --
>>> Subject: Request for a loan from the Guggenhelm
>>> Dear Donna Hayashi Smith,
>>> Many thanks for your request to the Guggenheim Museum to borrow Vincent
>> The narrative boils down to: POTUS invited me for a breakfast, and I
>> farted during the breakfast. Gimme high-fives! We are The Resistance!
>> Which makes it the perfect illustration of the dismal state of what once
>> was the progressive left (20 years ago?) These days they are proud of
>> farting. A sublime symbolic act ... the Art of Fart!
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