> ...
> Hi,
> thanks guys for your opinions on blockchais, But neither pointing to
> authority in the matter (apprently we are all experts all the time) nor
> polemicizing against a non-mature technology will help me in
> understanding the phenomena. let's get back to the subject in ten years.
> -Oli

oblig hack: I just finished attending Financial Crypto 2018, including a
Bitcoin workshop and a Smart Contract workshop. For the latter, I co-wrote
a paper with the take home msg that smart contracts is neither smart, nor
contracts (https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.09535).

The consensus (!) at the utterly useless closing conference panel was that
the (permission-less) blockchain is as useless as the panel itself, but it
will probably take decidedly less than the ten years you are asking for,
Oli, to make it useful for certain applications, e.g. as a distributed
ledger for land ownership and use, or my fav: an immutable cultural
geography ledger. Runner up anti-dystopia alt-right norm eliminator:
trustless norm encoder for intensional communities (cf. "Circles").
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