On 20-03-2018 22:43, Morlock Elloi wrote:
Heavy involvement of technology in social interactions keeps producing new challenges, that someone needs to deal with. That someone is getting more and more busy.

The latest event is discovery that someone was/is burning child pornography into ... blockchain. To be more specific, into Bitcoin blockchain: https://fc18.ifca.ai/preproceedings/6.pdf

As everyone knows, the blockchain is immutable and lasts forever.

Possession of child pornography is widely classified as felony, usually with no exceptions for 'accidental possession'.

This means that something has to give: either possessing Bitcoin blockchain is a felony (those images will *never* be removed), or inadvertent possession of child pornography is not a crime (which will give rise to new child pornography storage medium: blockchain.)
Or, given that a majority of stakes on the blockchain *can* change history, and a majority of stakes with very strong financial interest (as in who's already wasting most electricity) might want to keep their toys, these images *will* be removed - along with forever removing all credibility of blockchain as an "indelible" or unchangeable public ledger.
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