Hi Patrice et al,
Thx for the boost...
the anti-commonists... good one !! :)

Day 4 updates ( the good news ) :

1. robopopo taste the mud ! ( via catapult )

2. tractors on the roll to defend the Saulce barricades.

3. the Dutch report from Globalinfo.nl

4. it only took 50 years to make, but Macron may have just triggered May 68 The 
Sequel, Bravo ! :)


stay tune, 
it's going to be a wild * woolly spring !



arts + praxis organisms

> On 12 April 2018 at 12:00 nettime-l-requ...@mail.kein.org wrote:
> Send nettime-l mailing list submissions to
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> than "Re: Contents of nettime-l digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>    1. Bad ZAD news ... (Patrice Riemens)
>    2. Re: Bad ZAD news ... (Joseph Rabie)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 14:04:11 +0200
> From: Patrice Riemens <patr...@xs4all.nl>
> To: nettim...@kein.org
> Subject: <nettime> Bad ZAD news ...
> Message-ID: <c2f42661217cff4a16441483fdeaf...@xs4all.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
> Podinski is right, let's focus (also) on happenings on the ground ...
> bwo the INURAlist/Ivor Stodolsky, Miguel Martinez
> Some of you have heard of the ZAD. Only a short time ago, after years of 
> dedication and courage and work for the commons, the ZAD celebrated 
> victory over the mega-project for a new airport: 
> https://zadforever.blog/2018/02/01/victory-and-an-invite-to-celebrate/
> Now, the anti-commonists, appalled by the fact that people can live in a 
> peaceful sustainable way on shared property have attacked. With the 
> brutal force of a police state:
> https://www.rt.com/news/423595-police-zad-eviction-clashes/
> (i'm no great fan of RT, but they are among the few teams on the ground)
> In Paris, spontaneous solidarity actions have sprung up!
> https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1777646912300937&id=1325125620886404
> We should also show our solidarity. Perhaps a banner out the window or a 
> picture on the web? An ECA statement? A personal statement each. Please 
> share.
> There is also a Liveblog on:  https://enoughisenough14.org/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2018 15:05:20 +0200
> From: Joseph Rabie <j...@overmydeadbody.org>
> To: nettime-l <nettim...@kein.org>
> Subject: Re: <nettime> Bad ZAD news ...
> Message-ID: <57766b01-e292-4eb9-a8a4-6a77f8b4e...@overmydeadbody.org>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Here is a petition for the ZAD at Notre-Dame-des-Landes initiated by French 
> academics, intellectuals, architectes...
> https://www.change.org/p/edouard-philippe-comme-?-la-zad-de-notre-dame-des-landes-d?fendons-d-autres-mani?res-d-habiter-ecdb6060-1882-40f4-bc8d-901836fe5208
> <https://www.change.org/p/edouard-philippe-comme-%C3%A0-la-zad-de-notre-dame-des-landes-d%C3%A9fendons-d-autres-mani%C3%A8res-d-habiter-ecdb6060-1882-40f4-bc8d-901836fe5208>
> Joe.
> ...
> -------------- next part --------------
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> End of nettime-l Digest, Vol 127, Issue 21
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