Query - again, I'm admittedly naive in these matters -

Here's a current stat on Fb -
As of the fourth quarter of 2017, Facebook had 2.2 billion monthly active users. In the third quarter of 2012, the number of active Facebook users had surpassed 1 billion, making it the first social network ever to do so. Active users are those which have logged in to Facebook during the last 30 days. (from statista.com) - I keep coming back to this enormity which stresses across any number of cultures/population segments and wonder how this might be governed at all - given the number of empty accounts, bots, etc. And what are the mechanisms of control that anyone might apply to this quantity - as well as the quantity of material YouTube, say, handles daily? It's one thing to theorize what is to be done or not done, or whether Z. should be jailed or not; it's another to deal with this flood of material. As a problematic user, I'm always amazed at the naked control Fb exercises - the simplest example being the top stories trope over the recent. What may be turned off varies from week to week, but basically, nothing. There are obviously alternative platforms but it's a question of populating - the people I want to reach are on Fb as their primary platform (for example free jazz / improvisation which reaches worldwide) - there must be millions of mini-commons like this. I do see the damage Fb does and www for that matter; when I began teaching Internet culture/community/etc. in 1995 or so, I took my students first to stormfront.com which had the most sophisticated website at the time - it was international, in several languages, and a platform for neonazi organization.

Thanks again for the responses, learning here, Alan
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