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Date: Sat, 5 May 2018 23:15:34
From: Alan Sondheim <>
To: Heiko Recktenwald <>
Subject: Re: <nettime> please read - and how can this possibly be combatted?

On Sat, 5 May 2018, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:


Am 05/05/18 um 04:53 schrieb Alan Sondheim:

Isnt that in the story of the Tower of Babel? Maybe we should read it

or the opposite, every thing and every one speaking exactly the same
digital terrain, the same protocols. even in one of 'my' areas of
interest, non-western instrumentation, the well-tempered western scale
and accompanying musics have been increasingly dominant.

But isnt this allready the end? The same protocols and no content. Well

flat, absorbed -

less pessimistic. What is that "knowledge" of fb? Cant we laugh about
it? And what is new in our "mass-psychology"? What people may do one
day? A question of speed?

depends on what knowledge or knowledging of fb one's concerned with -

For marketing it may be better than nothing. But the rest is speculation.

it's the carapace that surrounds the user on Fb; there's very little control over appearance; the settings are a joke. it's designed for data-mining - almsot impossible for example to keep 'recent' from 'top' in the feed - the latter already shaping one's perception of one's personal sphere. there's also constant attempts to mine phone numbers and to give fb control of the computer - repeatedly asking if it can add notifications to your screen even when the medium's closed - which creates the constant presence of fb, no matter what.

There are some problems of dataownership that have mostly to do with
sharing that data. What did Cambridge do wrong? They didnt pay. As if
science would not be free.

That Robert Mercer wrote an email in january that sounded very much like
Timothy Leary...

"Question authority"...

Some of the opening questions of that Zuckerberg hearing were very good.

Unfortunately didn't hear this -

Feinstein was very stupid. I like those details. Maybe a starter in the
time of Babel.

That Donald was a present. He creates cases that we need.

He creates cases that brutally tear families apart -

Best, Alan

Best, H.

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