*Funded PhD scholarships in immersive technologies*

Northumbria University (Newcastle upon Tyne) is working closely with
Gateshead Council and local technology companies to develop the region’s
competence in immersive technology, including augmented, virtual and mixed
reality. In 2018, Gateshead will open the PROTO Emerging Technology Centre,
which will become a hub for the immersive industry as well as a
cutting-edge R&D centre.
We have to opportunity to apply for PhD scholarships in cooperation with
Gateshead and/or local businesses. A successful candidate should have a
Masters degree and proven knowledge in technology development and/or design
in 3D and virtual technologies. Related relevant fields include interaction
design and human-computer interaction. Scholarships are fully funded for 3
years with a living allowance and also include stipends for material and
travel. The research will be carried out in close collaboration with
external partners and the results will be relevant for the UK industrial
strategy. The academic home of the PhD is Northumbria University’s School
of Design.
For more information contact Professor Lars Erik Holmquist,

Sam Nemeth
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