On 07/07/18 13:24, Florian Cramer wrote:
>> And yet ... by nearly every agreed-upon measure, the "cultural,
>> political and economic systems in place" have contributed to what can be
>> called--with equal understatement--a significant reduction in global
>> poverty rates. A 74% reduction since 1990 by some estimates.
> Let me guess - your source is Hans Rosling?

Peven Stinker spouts similarly. Here is John Gray reviewing:

John Gray: Steven Pinker is wrong about violence and war:

"The Harvard psychologist and linguist Steven Pinker’s The Better Angels
of Our Nature: a history of violence and humanity (2011) has not only
been an international bestseller – more than a thousand pages long and
containing a formidable array of graphs and statistics, the book has
established something akin to a contemporary orthodoxy. It is now not
uncommon to find it stated, as though it were a matter of fact, that
human beings are becoming less violent and more altruistic."



"Unenlightened thinking: Steven Pinker’s embarrassing new book is a
feeble sermon for rattled liberals - To think of this book as any kind
of scholarly exercise is a category mistake. The purpose of Pinker’s
laborious work is to reassure liberals that they are on “the right side
of history”." -


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