Great idea for a compilation Yosem. About categorization and organization,
I think it is possible to find an example of a use of technologies for good
and for evil for every field of human activity. That's why you might follow
a general line of categories of fields (like of Wikipedia's) as you are
doing here. You might like to add; military, police, intelligence,
covert-special operations, terrorism/counter terrorism, and the use of
technology for the sciences themselves.

On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 at 08:59, Yosem Companys <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Could you help me collect any and all info that may be available on the
> use of technology for good and evil?
> I'm looking for readings, bibliographies, syllabi, media articles, and any
> other resources you may know of.
> Below is a list of topics that I have mapped so far. If I'm missing any or
> you believe there's a better way to organizing them, please let me know.
> Thanks,
> Yosem
>    - Accountability, Corruption, Openness, and Transparency (e.g., Open
>    Data, Freedom of Information - FOI)
>    - Activism, Protests, and Movements (e.g., Occupy, Anonymous,
>    Hacktivism)
>    - Agriculture, Farming, and Food Security (e.g., eAgri, Fishing,
>    Mariculture, Aquaponics, Aquaculture)
>    - Censorship, Repression, and Freedom (e.g., Freedom of Expression -
>    FoE, Free Speech, NetFreedom, Right to Information - RTI)
>    - Conflict, Disasters, and Resilience (e.g., Crisis Mapping, Robotics,
>    Cyber Attacks/Defense, Cyber War, Harassment, Hate Crimes)
>    - Construction, Housing, and Real Estate (e.g., Smart Homes, Internet
>    of Things)
>    - Democracy, Politics, Elections, and Voting (e.g., Netroots, Tea
>    Party, eVoting)
>    - Development (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
>    Development - ICT4D, Tech for Development - Tech4Dev, Global Development -
>    GlobalDev)
>    - Economics (e.g., Participatory Economy, Peer-to-Peer Economy,
>    Commons, Unemployment, Job Creation/Destruction, Consumer Rights)
>    - Education (e.g., Information and Communication Technologies for
>    Education - ICT4E, Open Education, eLearning, MOOCs)
>    - Ethics (e.g., how the design and use values of technology determine
>    whether they're used for good or evil)
>    - Energy and Power (e.g., Microgrids)
>    - Entrepreneurship (e.g., Social Entrepreneurship - socent, Social
>    Innovation)
>    - Environment (e.g., Brownfields, Landfills, Superfund Sites, Climate
>    Change, and Land, Water, and Air Preservation)
>    - Finance (e.g., Microfinance, FinTech, Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies,
>    Participatory Budgeting, Crowdfunding)
>    - Governance (e.g., eGovernance - eGov, Open Governance - OpenGov,
>    Governance 2.0 - gov20, Internet Governance Forum, Civic Tech)
>    - Health (e.g., eHealth, mHealth, Telemedicine)
>    - Human rights
>    - Inequality & Bias (e.g., Digital Divide, Cost of Living,
>    Discrimination, Harassment)
>    - Manufacturing (e.g., Additive Technologies, 3D Printing,
>    Do-It-Yourself - DIY, Robotics, Open Innovation)
>    - Media (e.g., Journalism, Social Media)
>    - Organizing and Organizations (e.g., Nonprofits, Community-Based
>    Organizations, Cooperatives, Labor Unions)
>    - Physical Spaces and Locations (e.g., Libraries, Coworking Spaces,
>    Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, Fab Labs, Tool Sharing Libraries, Smart Cities,
>    Mapping)
>    - Policy and Law (e.g., Policy Innovations, Legal Innovations)
>    - Privacy (e.g., Rules, Regulations, Laws, Frameworks)
>    - Security, Physical or Cyber (e.g., Cybersecurity, Internet of
>    Things, Sexual Harassment and/or Violence, Security by Design)
>    - Social Science (e.g., Impact of Technology on Society)
>    - Transportation and Supply Chain on Land, Water, and Air (e.g.,
>    Hyperloop, Autonomous Vehicles, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Drones, Smart
>    Roads)
>    - Volunteering (e.g., Crowdsourcing, Participatory Mapping)
>    - Water Security (e.g., Watersheds, Water Purification)
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