Wow, nettime’s very own James Damore moment -
And hardly anyone calls him out.

I cannot believe how easily so many people here allowed A.B. to 
them into a discussion just because he whispered the magic words „Marx“ and 
And willingly delivered him material to refine his language for his 
White male ängst-driven project,
Even after he had already lashed out in a dangerously generalized way against 
After he had already generally denounced identity politics as self-pity and 
whining, after he
Had claimed gender & race as having no social realities, after he had judged 
the welfare 
State as an infantilization of society and, on top of all, had totally 
ridiculously indulged himself 
In a teenage-like invention rage of cock-culture-worshipping neologisms that he 
obviously enjoys
To decorate his little short-20th-Century binary phantasy land with.

While a few of the answers with serious reactions to the classism question were 
really a 
Pleasure to read and very much worth considering under different premises, I 
don’t understand 
why almost nobody here (except for Alice, Ian, and Florian - thanks for your 
interventions) did see 
The contradiction that the very same people he claims to be wanting to work 
with in that new class 
War he dreams of, get insulted so badly and in a hierarchy-reproducing manner, 
that a future
Cooperation is being boycotted before it has even started.

Is that really only a sad lack of strategic thinking? Or not rather revealing 
how inclusive his
New class war phantasy actually is, and whose perspective he expects to be 
adopted as
Conceptual lead? 

There is a big difference between disagreement and lashing out in a way that 
reveals absolute
Entitlement, and even worse: the assumption to be „safe“ when stating such 
stuff in a place
Like nettime mailing list.

It’s so tiring to be forced to point out, once more, that entitlement is key in 
this problematic:

While Alexander and his followers have very well understood that investing into 
digital literacy
Is an absolute necessity if they want to survive in these times, any knowledge 
update in relation to
Gender & anti-racism debates is shrugged of as community-specific expertise 
(and commented 
With the reproach of having an only self-healing effect) instead of understood 
as the fundamental,
Constitutive (not so new) change of perspective, without which no thorough 
analysis of class 
Struggle can withstand. 

It was really interesting to read Dan’s report/ analysis of the beginning of 
‚identity politics‘ in the US
(In Europe, I assume, this is a slightly different story) and his 
acknowledgement/ claim that it is his 
Generation's own fault not to have passed on the historic context to the next 
I would really like to engage in this discussion by asking if it is really 
about the lack of history in a 
Negative sense, or, if the (assumed) lack of history/ continuity might not be 
expression of a generally
Positive phenomenon: the attitude of a generation being sick of any kind of 
further waiting and gradual 
Development, legitimately bold enough to demand full acceptance here and now - 
even if this leads to 
A roundhouse-kick-radicality that sometimes feels moralizing and partly unfair 
even to antecedent
activists. (And no, I am not part of that generation and often enough annoyed 
myself, but try to 

I’m not keen of discussing it in a context, though, where Alexander Bard can 
blatantly display his near-hatred 
Anger on certain minority activism without being sanctioned, just days after a 
shooting in a synagogue and 
Lethal threats to critics of Trump, with daily Police brutality towards POC, 
regular attacks on homes for asylum 
Seekers in Germany, harassment of anti-Trump academics in the US and similar 
harassments of academics 
Criticising right-wing politics now - even structurally organised - by the AfD 
in Germany as well, and ongoing 
And normalised discrimination of and assaults on women.
Incitement to violence is a spark easily ignited these days.

Last but not least, I have the impression A.B. never really had to speak up for 
himself against a mainstream
Opinion, otherwise he would know how much courage it takes and that it is no 
way just 'fighting for one’s 
Own good‘ but helps numerous others affected by that norm, and that keeping 
quiet and adapting, even at 
The high price of ongoing unfair treatment, is often the easier way.

It seems to be necessary to point out that repeating just a mainstream opinion, 
once it is tumbling and 
Forced to open up to multi-perspective views, does  n o t  count as such.

Best, N
Ps: Alice and Ian, your mails arrived while I wrote this, thanks again

> Am 03.11.2018 um 18:30 schrieb Brian Holmes <>:

> On Sat, Nov 3, 2018 at 7:11 AM Felix Stalder < 
> <>> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 3, 2018, 6:07 AM Alexander Bard < 
> <> wrote:

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