Perhaps not. Some of us are slowly coming back to life after years-long shock 
of adapting to the Middle East. 
Out of order, as in unacceptable or asynchronous? (honest question)

> On Dec 13, 2018, at 12:51 PM, Tilman Baumgärtel <> 
> wrote:
> Is nettime again turning into the exclusive platform of some entity with a 
> name from a science fiction novel, who thinks that he has something 
> insightful to say about just about everything? Btw, love the term "out-of 
> order postings"...
> Am 13.12.2018 um 08:38 schrieb Morlock Elloi:
>> Dear Geert,
>> Please publish your official veteran-approved nettime posting guidelines so 
>> that you can be spared from having to do ad hominem outbursts when you get 
>> agitated. I'll be careful not to violate them.
>> I would also like to ask the wider nettime audience - not the 6 veterans - 
>> about acceptability of out-of order postings on a quiet maillist.
>> m.
>> > From: Geert Lovink <>
>> > To: Morlock Elloi <>
>> >
>> > There are five Morlock Eloi postings to nettime in a row. Is the problem 
>> > back? Lets not repeat the blues, OK? Best, Geert
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