
Agreing with Morlock, but it's in fact even worse than. Before using crypto, you're already into using a lot of devices, and non-possession of these, e.g. smartphones, not only makes you suspect, it increasingly makes your life impossible. Same with banking without a debit/credit card - in NL it's next to impossible to sue public transport without these (*). So tracking happens everywhere and all the time, and the less traces you leave the more you are excluded and seen as potentially dangerous (potentially = 'we' decide when and where to eliminate you, 'potentially' for ever).

People have chosen for convenience, even at the cost of all-round surveillance. But somewhere in their mind they know it's not 100% okay. So no wonder they stigmatize 'you'. Nothing like freedom to engender jealousy.

Have a funky 2019 all the same!

(*) Get a car, you loser!? - forget it, you can't paypark without a bankcard!

On 2019-01-07 04:26, Morlock Elloi wrote:
There isn't much there, other than expanding on the nature of the
invisible threat with long term consequences, which is usually dealt
with by the organized government (smoking, pesticides, etc.), except
that in this case the government is the cause of the threat, so it
won't touch it, and there is no other body of sufficient weight to do
anything about it.

What would be more interesting to analyze is the phenomenally
successful installation of social stigma against those who are
effectively protecting themselves against organized surveillance.
Unlike early users of car seat belts (before they were mandated) who
were just weenies and chicken, people using PGP, one email per each
service, tor, fake names, etc., are considered potentially dangerous

It will take more than one R. Nader to fix this one.

On 1/6/19, 17:46, jeremy bentham wrote:
Why haven't this list's mavens de-, re-, pre- and otherwise-
constructed Siva Vaidhyanathan's Cryptopticon?

If for no other reason than it is such a lovely neologism?

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