Death Grips is not a band it is a pond in which you see who you will become
in the future should you keep consuming what was not designed for heads up:
you will be beautiful as the moon, terrible as an army with banners. "No
love deep web", for instance, easily outweighs the mass of predictions in
any modern analytical socio-philosophy digest. And you can dance to it.

On Fri, 1 Feb 2019, 00:22 Morlock Elloi, <> wrote:

> Thanks ... one thing I didn't expect from nettime was band discovery.
> On 1/31/19, 11:53, wrote:
> > Just a quick and very unscientific sample from my "Top 100 Most Played
> in the
> > 21st Century" folder, but still... suck this, 1960s!
> >
> > -->
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