Dear Colleagues, please forward the following to those who may be interested. 
This is an AHRC funded research assistant role (34 months) to work on the 
physical representation of climate change and its data at Central St Martins. 
Apologies for cross-posting.

Materializing Data, Embodying Climate Change brings together Central Saint 
Martins, the British Antarctic Survey and Birkbeck, University of London in a 
ground-breaking three-year project to produce art and design artefacts that 
explore how physical translations of climate data enable new experiences and 
cultural representations of our changing environment.

Working as part of a research team, the post-holder will be responsible for 
producing art and design artefacts derived from environmental data resources, 
employing both digital fabrication and 3D printing as well as more traditional 
model-making approaches by using a range of materials. You will work closely 
with a Postdoctoral Research Fellow programmer who will produce software and 
data resources, and you will have responsibility for academic reporting and 
documentation of research (conference papers, journal articles and other 
outputs), in collaboration with the Principal Investigator and other core 
staff. The role offers a unique opportunity to work with internationally 
respected artists, designers and scientists as a co-collaborator in a major 
project funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council.
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