Exclusive access to correlations between apparently (to those without access to data firehoses) totally unrelated data, and act on such correlations without bothering to understand why they exist (it's a fallacy to assume that understanding is required for acting) is the name of the game:

https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2018/03/21/the-digital-military-industrial-complex/ : Nike and KitKat addicts hate Israel, statistically speaking.

So perhaps specific word constructs in seemingly unrelated ads (maybe dealing with fish and chips) can nudge a relevant fraction of subjects to support the hard exit? (there is no way you can prove this wrong without access to data, and you don't have it.) The only way to detect these ops is to follow the money. The baffling part comes when you cannot begin to fathom why are they doing some specific thing. See the article above.

On 3/9/19, 09:57, Allan Siegel wrote:
All roads lead to Rome, or the the CIA, NSA, MI6, etc. etc. What happens
when you try to follow the money and reach a seemingly dead end?
"Obscure no-deal Brexit group is UK's biggest political spender on
Facebook / Britain’s Future has spent £340,000 promoting hard exit – but
no one knows who’s funding it…
happy hunting

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