Hi David et All,

I am really happy that you took over from me as Brexistan War Correspondant!
The situation is indeed most desperate.
We are now waiting for 'the telegram from Sadova' ...
30st of March will be a very special day - or a complete anti-climax. I am still hoping for the latter ...

Cheers all the same,

On 2019-03-11 11:41, David Garcia wrote:
A true Democracy: All United in Ignorance-

Despite promises that this would be the ‘crunch week’ when the second
“meaningful (HA!) vote"
was to be held. It is looking increasingly likely that despite solumn
promises the Olympic level
can-kicker May will again defer the vote replacing it with an
indicative vote on a deal already
rejected by the EU!

Total fucking insanity

What madness is this when you are "holding a vote on a deal you wish
you had got rather than
one you actually have” (Ian Dunt)

When asked by Dutch friends what is actually happening my reply has
become “I know nothing!”
I have found a niche. I inhabit a new democracy of universal
stupidity. A true democracy in which
the genius, the (merely) well informed and the utter nincompoop are
all equal in total ignorance.

Raise a glass my friends is what we are calling the true democratic
dividend of Brxitania in which
all of us know progressively more and more about what we do not know.

your depressed and stupidly obsessed nettime brexit correspondent :-((

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