While I mentioned earlier the transfer of agency from humans and deflection of rage to inanimate objects, this points to something equally fundamental: exploitation and crime by proxy. Machines are propagandized as entities by themselves. The debate starts to turn around machines and their idiosyncrasies, safely squeezing out the real issues.

It's like your town is being terrorized by armed bandits, and wise heads, philosophers, media, politicians are talking about types of bullets, different kinds of injuries they cause, the nozzle velocity, construction of guns, whether barrels are threaded or not, gun manufacturers, cost of guns, dangers that guns pose, should fragmentation bullets be allowed, etc.

Everything except mentioning the bandits and gallows poles.

On 3/23/19, 10:00, tbyfield wrote:
More generally, entire swaths of current 'technology' debates — about
automation and IoT, 'adversarial' this and that, how advertising is
subverting democracy, etc, etc – are naive historical reenactments of
front-page debates from the mid-1950s. Lots of factors enable that
naivete, and voguish talk about 'complexity' is one of them. It's not an
accident that complexity became a pop phenomenon starting in the

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