*No Euphoria No Carnival just Fatalism* 

It was good to join friends as part of more than a million marching yesterday 
for a ‘people’s vote’. The most remarkable thing was that with such a great 
tide of humanity that there was not one single reported incident of violence or 
damage.. not a single broken window. But unlike the carnival atmosphere of 
previous marches there was no euphoria. The chants were there but were not 
taken up for long.. 
Overall I would describe the atmosphere as fatalistic. We recognised that 
despite the numbers on the street and the millions more who signed a petition, 
in all likelihood these facts would be noted and then ignored. We were marching 
just because we could. Marching in the knowledge that time is running out and 
without much hope that the government would listen. On the other hand some of 
us hope that there is one last chance. That just on Monday parliament will take 
its final chance to vote to take control of what is called the "order paper" 
and wrest control from May. 
With a likely deadline of April 12th, Parliament has just one shot at saving 
the nation from the Hobson's choice of May's deal or a crash out scenario. How? 
Here is the sequence of votes: 1. Taking control of the order paper 2. Taking a 
series of indicative votes 3. Find a majority in the house for a course of 
action that will also be acceptable to Brussels 4. Legislate to instruct 
government to take this proposition to the EU. This sequence will be hard to 
enact in the time available and unlikely that May (or a caretaker PM) would 
agree to play "Postman-Pat" but this at least is a roadmap to one possible 
course to salvation.

David Garcia - Back on the Brexit Couch -
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