The bluring of the Swedish allegations and request for extradition and the US 
request for 
allegations have proved a useful smoke screen for the authorities. 

This deliberate bluring makes it particularly  important that we don’t add to 
the fog by eliding
all the allegations into one conspiritorial box..

IMHO it means keeping the Swedish and US allegations separate and not assuming
that we know who is conspiring with whom and why. However In the midst of 
yesterday’s fog 
of misinformation and political posturing one fact stands out

The Swedes do not seem to have been informed in advance of arrest. The Swedish 
expressed surprise and were unprepared.

Whatever US and Ecuador knew in advance, Sweden does not appear to have been in 
the loop,c2786974

Whereas the US authorities had clrearly been well prepped.

We should not assume that the Swedish allegations are a groundless fabrication. 
The was a request for extradition in
2010 but Assange jumped bail but the request was left outstanding until 2017 
when it was dropped despite the prosecutor believing 
there was a case to answer. Yesterday after Assange’s evicton and arrest the 
request, the Swedish prosecuting body has now confirmed 
it is reviewing whether to resume the investigation and thereby renew its 
extradition request.,c2787466

Sweden may be less of a stooge for US ambitions than the UK (who is desperate 
to please the US as they imagine that it offers a 
solid alliance economic and geo-political alliance post-brexit).   

David Garcia

On 12 Apr 2019, at 01:58, Morlock Elloi <> wrote:

> The principal sin is that Wikileaks undermined (by explicitly exposing 
> crimes) the wide spread belief among subjects of modern states: "it is OK for 
> my state/party to behave criminally, because I benefit from it, as long as 
> they keep it quiet". This is the unpardonable offense.
> If documenting crimes requires "super-empowered individual" it just means 
> that criminals are expending enormous efforts to hide them.
>> Assange (and Wikileaks) has become a prime example of what military
>> theorist in the early 00s called a "super-empowered individual" capable
>> of marshaling technology and resources available to non-sate actors to
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