tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique is a Marxist journal of media and communication studies. Its special issue “Digital/Communicative Socialism” asks: What is digital/communicative socialism? The special issue will publish peer-reviewed contributions that explore perspectives on digital/communicative socialism in respect to theory, dialectics, history, internationalism, praxis, and class struggles.


Abstracts can be submitted per e-mail to, using the form published at

Please do not make submissions that omit a completed form.

Submission deadline is Monday, July 15, 2019.

Feedback on acceptance/rejection will be provided at latest until July 31, 2019. The deadline for the submission of accepted papers is October 13, 2019. The maximum length of full papers is 8,000 words. Articles should in the first stage of submission (October 13) not be longer than 7,000 words so that there is space for additions as part of the revision process.

All accepted articles will be peer-reviewed and published in a special issue of tripleC.

The special issue will be published open access. There are no APCs.

Prof. Christian Fuchs
Co-Editor of tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique

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