On 24 Aug 2019, at 10:52, Dr. Peter Troxler (p&s) 
<peter.trox...@ps-culture.net> wrote:

> So it is not just the referendum, it is how the referendum is used in a 
> rather different system of implementing democracy (oh, and did I mention that 
> the “constitution” is actually a written document in Switzerland, not an 
> assemblage of Acts of Parliament, court judgments and conventions).

Yes the question of different written and unwritten constitutions is 
interesting and important from the UK’s point of view. Our consitution is 
supposed to be unwritten but a great deal of it is written but in many 
different places not in a single document. We are currently supposed to be in a 
‘constitutional crisis’. But actually the constitution has (so far) stood up to 
the current ‘stress test" quite well as parliament has actually succeeded in 
holding the government to account. 

The real test will come when parliament reconvenes in September. Johnson and 
Cummings have made it clear that they are prepared to defy convention and many 
of our key protocols (e.g.  a Prime Minister resigning and calling a generation 
if defeated in a vote of no confidence) are not legaly enforcible rather they 
are normatively binding. Faced with a Speaker prepared to defy convention and 
government prepared to defy usually binding normative conventions the 
foundations of our current losely framed constitution and party political 
framework are likely to tested as never before in generations. 

Its a great time to be a constitutional lawyer or a curious observer from 
another land, but its a bad time for the rest of us. 

David Garcia  
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