Hi James

sounds good to me.

Hi David

Reading this phrase: North Ireland given to the Republic of Ireland

The word 'given' sounds a tad colonial unfortunately. Northern Ireland is a
place in its own right and is already part of Ireland.
Those living there may well also, if invited, exercise their own agency to
'separate' (having voted in the majority to remain in the EU) and to reunite
with the rest of the country. If that happens then sure what is taking
place in England currently may have some ultimate benefit.

What is more interesting is that the Irish border that exists only
virtually now has taken on a substance that might make or break the
union. Why do we care? Because it is the playing out of a logic that has
many long-term implications for a country whose own self-identity
has been built on superiority. This is simply the psychological unfolding
of a long-term delusion. Its consequences however will be the poor will get
the rich richer, the 'establishment' get to look down again on the queues,
the excluded, the homeless, the hungry and to yet again feel superior.

Years (indeed decades) of investment using public funds, including massive
EU investment, is being trashed.
Do we care, should we care, of course.


On Sun, 1 Sep 2019 at 17:26, James Wallbank <ja...@lowtech.org> wrote:

> Hi David, Hi Harv, Hi All,
> The question "Why should we care?" is pertinent if you live in a democracy
> and care to show solidarity with other citizens of democracies.
> I am a European Citizen, and I am facing the prospect of having my rights
> and freedoms curtailed, my freedom of movement reduced, my savings and
> assets devalued, my neighbours and friends driven out, and my democratic
> rights rendered meaningless. I am also likely to face food and medicine
> shortages, the destruction of major industrial sectors in my country.
> It's also worth remembering that Boris Johnson and the Brexiteers appear
> to be a tentacle of an international network of authoritarian plutocrats,
> whose immediate target is to damage or destroy the European Union, using
> the UK population as the economic equivalent of suicide bombers. That they
> happen to be active in Britain right now should be a warning to citizens of
> liberal democracies everywhere - they're also coming for you. It may be a
> mistake to cede territory to them now, and wait until you're fighting on
> home soil.
> Their effort is also a culture war - an attempt to replace liberal, open,
> democratic societies with something far more primitive, ethno-nationalist,
> tribal, and manipulable. This is a global information war.
> On the subject of "England" - I have to confess that I don't care about it
> at all.
> To me it's a fake nation - a confection of Empire that doesn't REALLY
> exist. It's actually Northumbria, Mercia, Wessex, East Anglia, Cornwall and
> more, all occupied by an entitled, postimperial elite that treat the
> regions of the composite, hybrid nation they rule over with the same
> contempt that the British empire treated its dominions. The whole thing is
> a  throwback that ought to have been reformed decades, if not centuries ago.
> I think I've said on this forum before that there's a great national
> advantage to be gained from losing a war. It comprehensively discredits
> established elites and gives the opportunity to replace or reform outdated
> practices. It also tends to lead to a period of national re-evaluation, and
> eventual renewal. Britain has not had this advantage, and perhaps Brexit is
> the defeat that it needs. The benefits, though, may be confounded by the
> fact that its victorious antagonist is itself.
> Best Regards,
> James
> =====
> On 01/09/2019 16:48, David Garcia wrote:
> Hi,
> just a quick question: Why should we care about Brexit and England at all?
> It just takes so much energy and resources out of all of the rest. ‎I think
> we have much more important issues in EU. Who cares about arrogant, failed
> and backward country that gets the backlash it deserves? Scots and Welsh
> should separate and stay in EU, North Ireland given to the Republic of
> Ireland - problem solved. And we have the third class Singapore alike
> creation of what's left of GB.
> Hi Harv,
> just a quick response to your pertinent "why should we care question”.
> Let me ask who is the ‘we’ you are refering to ? EU citizens ? Do you
> include the millions of EU citizens livng in the
> UK sometimes for decades who now don’t know if they are on their "arse or
> their elbows"? Or maybe you are generous enough to
> include the Brits who have made their lives in the EU countries and whose
> world have been thrown into turmoil. Maybe its the 'we' who
> have families with partners and children.
> Sorry if me wanging on about the plight of millions of individual citizens
> who are about to lose their rights seems to you of no
> consequence (and compared with the plight of refugee migrants it can seem
> like a marginal issue sure). Also the technicalities
> can be quite boring and procedural I know unless you have some interest in
> the variaties of constitutional law
> when it falls into crisis. Quite nerdy I know but nettime is a space where
> nerdy discussion and passionate politics can meet.. right?
> More broadly there may even be something to learn from the particular
> forms of populism that spring from politicians who hijack constitutions
> and claim that “speaking for the people” using it to ride roughshod over
> constitutional legal norms that have evolved over generations.
> This has echoes in a number of other countries. But perhaps you are lucky
> enough not to live in one of those countries and can simply
> turn your back and say why should 'we’ care. Whoever this big “we” are
> Best
> David Garcia
> On 1 Sep 2019, at 15:36, Harv Stanic Staalman <h...@subsignal.org> wrote:
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