Begin forwarded message:

> From: Richard Barbrook <>
> Subject: Re: <nettime> Supreme Court Rulling consequeces
> Date: 25 September 2019 15:07:42 BST
> To: David Garcia <>
> Reply-To:
>> Cummings’ passion for Bismark and game theory
>> (read his blog:
>> will deliver him a majority by repeating the approach that won the
>> referendum. His faith in Cummings is not dented by broken institutions
>> "move fast and break things” could have been coined for this bunch.
> Here is our response to the Brexit elite's fascination with game theory which 
> was performed at The World Transformed during the 2019 Labour conference.
> Richard
> =================
> Communiqué 11: 22/9/19
> “The labouring classes have conquered nature; they have now to conquer 
> humanity. To succeed in this attempt they do not lack strength, but the 
> organisation of their common strength, organisation of the labouring classes 
> on a national scale – such, I suppose, is the great and glorious end aimed at 
> by the Labour Parliament.” – Karl Marx.
> Comrades and citizens, the future of this island and its inhabitants will 
> soon be decided by the decisive battle between the Party of Emancipation and 
> the Party of Reaction! For over three years, the class enemy has schemed and 
> manoeuvred to escape the consequences of its self-inflicted defeat through 
> victory in the 2016 Brexit referendum. Our stunning advances during the 2017 
> election inflicted severe losses on the Tories and demoralised their depleted 
> troops. This year, they’ve already dismissed one failed general and selected 
> a duplicitous scoundrel as her replacement. The Conservative government’s 
> last hope of recovery is the appointment of Dominic Cummings as Boris 
> Johnson’s aide de camp. Mesmerised by the solipsistic formulas of Johnny von 
> Neumann, Thomas Schelling and Herman Kahn, this aficionado of game theory is 
> playing a Brexit contest of mutually assured destruction with a numerically 
> and economically superior competitor who can easily survive the worst case 
> outcome in its decision matrix. While waiting for this Tory stratagem’s 
> inevitable miscarriage, Labour activists must now redouble their efforts to 
> acquire and perfect our greatest advantage in political and economic 
> struggles against the oppressors of humanity: game practice.
> On Sunday evening, Class Wargames will begin its ludic intervention at The 
> World Transformed with a participatory performance of Guy Debord’s The Game 
> of War. First published in 1977, his simulation was designed as the 
> Situationist cure for the oligarchical recuperation of participatory 
> democracy. By moving silver and gold pieces across the gridded board, its two 
> teams of players are able to teach themselves the tactical and strategical 
> principles that deliver success on the social battlefield. For far too long, 
> military learning has been monopolised by the privileged few. By training 
> withThe Game of War, this wisdom can now be shared amongst the many. When 
> every proletarian possesses the knowledge of how to be a skillful general, 
> then revolutionary leadership is exercised by the entire class.
> On Monday afternoon, Class Wargames is making its second intervention at The 
> World Transformed with Digital Liberties’ Taste of Power: the great municipal 
> socialism game. Building on last year’s A Very British Coup mega-game, this 
> massive multi-player role-playing exercise enables Labour cadre to experiment 
> with different responses to the many crises and opportunities which we will 
> face when in government. By competing and cooperating together, the 
> participants in the Taste of Power game can learn how to combine 
> administrative efficiency and community mobilisation to bring about radical 
> social change. When the Labour party goes into government, the working class 
> must, as a whole, take control of the conditions of our everyday life, at 
> work, rest and play!
> Wargames are a continuation of politics by other means.

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