Hello Felix -

You've summed up the keys of a spatialized critique, to show how my work
overlaps with your own thinking and doubtless that of many others, how
generous, thanks for that. The reality is that these ideas are in the air,
necessary and emergent, collective at inception. What's more you put your
finger on exactly the reasons for expressing such thoughts outside the old

And esthetics -- languages and methods of making this other world
> visible -- are an important aspect in this struggle that can only
> succeed if it finds a language that informs action, a language to
> express multiplicity (of actors, and of cultures) and belonging (that
> is, a kind of care for the place in which one finds oneself) at the same
> time.

This is exactly what I have learned in my life, while experiencing the
relative failures of successive insurgent movements. It informs everything
I do now, all the time.

 Hello Max -

In the single most charming and wildly creative response I ever received on
nettime , you draw a circular causality that encompasses three of the
things that have influenced me most: early cybernetics (especially
Bateson), earth systems science and indigenous thinking/action. I like your
original interpretation of the Mona Lisa and just as importantly, this
observation that water became the core of Leonardo's thinking when he
realized that brute force could not hold back on the Arno. Do you have some
further thoughts about your own feedback relations with the Mississippi?
Why don't you put them on the map, I mean mississippi.rivertoday.org, it
would be great to have your insights about water. And also, what about
James Lovelock, Lynn Margulis and Gaia theory?

Hello Everybody -

The Argentines just voted down their local oligarch, the Chileans kicked
theirs out by massive street protest, the Lebanese have done the same but
like the Chileans they won't stand down until the whole corrupt lot pack up
and leave, and the Iraqis are making similar demands under personal risks
that stagger the imagination, while Hong Kong goes on demonstrating the
persistence and inventiveness of popular power in the face of
business-as-usual. Are these mobilizations going to spill over into the
West, as they did in 2011, or are they going to evolve into bloody backlash
counter-coups by the military, as again happened in the wake of 2011?

One of the things I saw while traveling down the Mississippi (in addition
to the proliferating dead zones of extractivism) is the degree to which
young people in particular see no future in the current system, and how
could they? The difference from previous no-future generations is that this
time it's clear that a change has to be collective, organized, large-scale,
rule-based, all the things that political scientists insist on. At the same
time it's only going to come from a revolt, and that too seems to be true
for a lot of people. What could such a revolt look like? What language
could express the multiplicity of those actions, and those forms of care?

In the US it is time to bring down the government. It takes leadership, and
sorry, for too long and in two many ways, post-68-style anarchy has been
the objective ally of the neoliberals. But in Carbondale where we did our
Field Station 4, Sarah Lewison organized a panel including new generation
of anarchists influenced by Rojava and municipalism, who have created a
kind of party able to integrate people across ideological lines and insert
themselves pragmatically into local governance issues, notably through
elections. It takes a lot of people to bring down a modern government, and
in my view, the model of Revolution is no longer the French one that starts
in the streets and ends at the guillotine. David Garcia's insights about
the need for truth-finding practices among citizens are spot-on for me,
along with the refusal of epistemological relativism, because that just
doesn't cut through the problems we are now facing. Doesn't a new revolt
need a new theory? Our modest cultural aim on the Mississippi is to open
the aesthetic door for one.

best, Brian
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