is this where nettime is heading? Toward straight rightwing talking points?
 Makes Morlock seem rational, or at least original.

martha  r
> On Nov 11, 2019, at 6:26 PM, Hanns Holger Rutz <> wrote:
> the ones who are living in Venezuela without food, medicaments and
> electricity, the ones that get robbed on a daily basis, the ones that
> are imprisoned, tortured, disappeared and killed for speaking up, or the
> ones that have taken refugee in other countries and are now facing
> increasing racism in their new host countries.
> the advantage of the people in Bolivia was that the military hadn't been
> taken over by Cuba, and so it was still independent enough to force
> Morales out when he refused to uphold basic democratic principles.
> On 12/11/2019 00:06, Menno Grootveld wrote:
>> Which thirty million others are you talking about?
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