On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 5:19 AM David Garcia <
d.gar...@new-tactical-research.co.uk> wrote:

> The endless fact checking that flooded the election did nothing to reverse
> a generalised epistemic
> cynicism as political parties even began creating their own fake fact
> checking sites. Its not primarily the quality of the evidence that
> matters its how (and how fast) they circulate. Many people who voted for
> Johnson’s had already priced his lies into market place
> of wild assertion and spin. In a landscape of lies, they reasoned, you may
> as well opt for the apex predator.

Here in the US, what's said about the British elections is: "OK, so Trump
will definitely win." I will never say that and will act to the contrary,
but it is obvious that the final years of the 2010s have marked a turning
point. For better and for worse you can say goodbye to mid-twentieth
century liberalism, the sociopolitical world order that emerged in the wake
of WWII.

Liberalism had an institutional comfort zone, often cubical and painted
white. There you could say anything for the thrill of it, whether humorous,
shocking, abject, violent or utopian. It was there because the technocratic
"rule of experts" had been nailed down tight in all domains by a plethora
of procedurally rational administrations, and the role of art and
intellectual culture was to allow unreconciled individuals to let off
steam. It didn't matter too much what happened in there, because the 1960s
had proved that any emergent social trend or movement could always be
coaxed into mainstream culture by the mass media under technocratic rule.
So bootless freedom shaped the multifarious cultures of the late twentieth
century, all the way up to the early days of the Internet. Tactical media
is a fine example.

Now we have a networked corporate media system that gives any
well-resourced and strategically constituted group the means to stimulate
and aggregate the humorous, shocking, abject, violent or utopian fantasies
of isolated individuals. Fringe emotions and ideas can be
"majoritarianized" with creative statistical profiling and lots of
communicational nudges. Ask Brad Parscale how it's done. Contemporary
politicians have the means to engineer effective political constituencies
on the fly, as long as they draw on the archaic but plentiful universals of
sexism, nationalism and racism. What we do not have, in response to this
new fascism, are the discipline, convictions and willingness to act of the
millions of people who put their life's work into the creation of
twentieth-century liberalism.

I think the situation looks very bad. It is dismaying to read and recognize
the truth of the following quote, found in an essay by Dominic Cummings:

"'We’ve arranged a global civilization in which most crucial elements -
transportation, communications, and all other industries; agriculture,
medicine, education, entertainment, protecting the environment; and even
the key democratic institution of voting - profoundly depend on science and
technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands
science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get
away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of
ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.’ Carl Sagan."

The dismaying thing is that Cummings says that, while the so-called left
remains leaderless and without any aspiration to form a coherent movement.
The lack of coherence is directly attributable to the disinterest in
science, on the one hand, and in political philosophy, on the other.
Science provides a guide to what is possible. Political philosophy provides
a basis to choose or refuse. Only when the two have a continuous and
dynamic relation to each other can a stable world order emerge. This is why
I am so interested in David Garcia's notion of "epistemic communities." But
David, surely you know that the same phrase is used to describe the
construction process of the postwar liberal order, with its international
institutions and eventually the European Union itself? It would be worth
continuing to explore the meaning of this little phrase.

As someone engaged with art and culture, I have begun to work with the
concepts of Earth System Science and the Anthropocene. I see my role not
only as someone who critiques, interprets or popularizes these ideas,
though all that is definitely a good thing. The main thing is that we need
a culture and a professional/political system capable of acting on our best
collective perception of the Earth and its evolution, humans included. To
get to that point we need epistemic communities who acquire knowledge and
test its value with respect to their philosophical concept of the good
life.  However, such communities do not only have to learn about science
and technology. They also have to continually check their philosophical
ethos against that of others, to reach a strong universalizable consensus
about what constitutes the good life under twenty-first century conditions.
This is the only way to produce effective professional representatives who
can bring widely held beliefs into the sphere of action.

For sure, it is well known that universals are dangerous, but how about the
war of all against all? How is that going to look with 2020 vision?

Humpty-Dumpty just fell off the wall. The shattered effigy of mid-twentieth
century liberalism will not spring magically back together again. Either we
create and collectively codify a new ethos, or we struggle and die in the
ruins of the old one.

Happy new year, BH
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