Ljubljana, 23–25 March 2020
Full program here: 
Critical thinkers, artists, researchers, activists, and geeks in search of 
other economies and financial discourses for a fair society.

These are dark times for the economy, as offshore finance wreaks havoc in the 
very fabric of cities and communities, and crypto-companies find their own tax 
havens. But the economy is not only in the hands of faceless corporations and 
cryptocurrency speculators.  MoneyLab <> 
explores the imaginaries of artists, researchers, activists, and geeks in 
search for other possible economies, and interrogates a different financial 
discourse. It asks: can we use technology critically to support alternative 
values of cooperation and commoning in a world that is dominated by 
individualism and competition? 

MoneyLab #8 features examples far from the mainstream media spotlight. It zooms 
in on the effects of offshore finance and explores counter-experiments in the 
realms of housing, care work, and blockchain technology. Can self-organised 
care networks strengthen neighbourhoods? What would social housing look like if 
it was turned into the cornerstone of the economy? Who is building local 
systems that can stand up against the financialisation of housing? 

MoneyLab #8 sheds light onto radical strategies for self-organisation, and 
pushes on towards new and collective futures for resilient local communities.

March 23, 2020

 EXHIBITION OPENING: Offshore Matters 

March 24, 2020 

WORKSHOP #1: Offshore Operator Tour 

WORKSHOP #2 / Game-Changers: The Game 

PANEL #1 / Housing: Hacking the Crisis of Home 

PANEL #2 / Care: Solidarity is Disobedience 

KEYNOTE #1 / What Lies Behind Bitcoin: the Rise and Promise of Blockchain 
Computational Systems 

March 25, 2020

WORKSHOP #3 / Zencode: How to Write Smart Contracts Using Natural Language 

PANEL #3 / Tax Havens: Normalized Grand Theft 

ARTIST TALK / The Work of Art in the Age of Decentralised Trust 

KEYNOTE #2 / The Geopolitics of Financial Inclusion: Big Tech and the Golden 
Straightjacket of Digital Payments 

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