I have a couple of coronavirus questions. These are neither necessarily
mine, nor did they arise in anticipation of satisfying answers.

- What is the perspective on coronavirus from the vantage point of the
  Radical (minoritarian) Left?

(This is a very different question from: What is the opinion about
coronavirus among progressives?, and totally different from: What is
my opinion about the Left?)

- What is the perspective on coronavirus from the vantage point of

- What is the perspective on coronavirus from the vantage point of the
  Nouvelle Vague?

But also:

- What is the perspective on coronavirus seen from where you are? What
  are the most interesting or surprising narratives that are emerging
  in your neighborhoods or communities?

- Given that social media just adds another layer of unhealthy virality
  to the current situation, what forms of communication and care are
  being invented or rediscovered locally?

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