Something to consider...

The Corona Reboot

A decade from now, historians may very well call the coronavirus pandemic the 
great deceleration. The bodies that had been endlessly propelled through cities 
on metros, buses, bicycles, and freeways now sit in self-imposed isolation at 
home, the international flights that had been relentlessly criss-crossing 
continents now are increasingly grounded, and the container ships that had been 
churning steadily back and forth across oceans now drift idly beside coastal 
ports, buoyed by their lack of cargo. Chinese factories lay serenely still 
without their workers as if they were relics of a bygone industrial era, while 
environmentalists post online about the substantial reduction in global carbon 
dioxide emissions. The relentlessly accelerating velocities of capitalism 
appear, quite unexpectedly and abruptly, to be grinding, lumbering, and 
lurching into a languid slumber.

Following from the desertion of offices, factories, universities, restaurants, 
and other places of work, the historical suspension of the planet’s economy has 
given us all time for long conversations in living rooms and on phones, for 
cooking intricate recipes and reading long-forgotten books on shelves, for 
bringing groceries and medicine to neighbors in need, for playing in baths with 
children sent home from school, and for watching films that had been put off 
for years. People sleep, write, cry, dance, play, exercise, have sex, and laugh 
in the new pause we find ourselves within. The fragility, vulnerability, and 
interdependency of life come to be more intensely felt and drawn more acutely 
into focus as the virus spreads, opening the way for new intimacies, 
solidarities, and creativities. Even when surrounded by crisis and fear, 
fragile but utopian moments nonetheless find life.

And yet it already appears that, after only a few days of a planetary interlude 
characterized by an unprecedented deceleration of life on every continent where 
people have begun questioning the social order that had defined their lives up 
to this point, immense accelerations have been set into motion in an attempt to 
socially, economically, and politically compensate for the velocities that had 
been lost elsewhere. The shutting down of our planet’s systems appears to have 
already been answered by a system reboot meant to capture the unactualized 
potentials of so many newly immobilized bodies, to economically put to use the 
many bodies that have rather unexpectedly found time to experiment with the 
multiplicity of life’s uses.

If a system reboot, what we might simply call the corona reboot, can be said to 
be taking place, it is only because power now understands society as being 
wholly integrated as a vast computer that can be programmed and reprogrammed as 
needed in response to whatever disruption, contingency, or event. In this 
sense, the deceleration of so many bodies appears to have opened the way for 
the cybernetic reorganization and reacceleration of planetary life, where 
social distancing has justified the implementation of the most intense forms of 
digitized connectivity and control technically realizable in our present. This 
text is ultimately an attempt to think through the possibility that the 
shutting down and subsequent rebooting of the planet presently underway may not 
in fact be a collection of ad-hoc measures that will fade as the contagion 
does, but that the coronavirus may come to serve as the catalyst for a new kind 
of society built upon the forms of digitized subjectivity that are forged 
within the unique historical circumstances of the pandemic.
At the very minimum, in this moment we must all struggle to understand the 
rapid transformations of social life, of work, and of politics presently 
underway not only in the interest of surviving this together and defending our 
common humanity, but also in hopes of establishing a different kind of society 
than the one presently imagined by power. If this planetary reboot takes form 
as a total recalibration of social, economic, and political life in the 
interest of preserving the continuity of the social, political, and economic 
order of capitalism, how might we begin to imagine social life differently in 
this trying moment?

At this early stage, it appears that at least two new kinds of subjectivity 
have already begun to take shape, both of which are mutually constitutive, 
intimately dependent upon, and shaped by the informatic infrastructures and 
apparatuses that now run through and organize much of our planetary society. On 
the one hand, we have the domesticated/connected subject, who in being confined 
to their home is pushed to invent new ways to reconnect to and participate in a 
virtualized economy. On the other hand, we have the mobile/disposable subject 
that serves as the circulatory system of the pandemic, a subject that becomes 
increasingly vulnerable and precarious as it is compelled to move at ever 
greater velocities. In order for domesticated/connected subjects to materially 
sustain themselves, they must be coupled with the mobile/disposable subject 
that fulfills the minimum material needs of society while ensuring the social 
possibility of isolated yet networked domestic life.

The domesticated/connected subject is horrifically cut off from social life in 
their home yet is intimately plugged into an increasingly networked economy. 
They are as docile as they are productive, integrated with society but 
integrated only as separate. Office workers, university professors, 
programmers, reporters, and cultural workers, among others, are all ordered to 
stay home, but to stay logged on. Video streaming platforms struggle to handle 
the new volumes of traffic while raking in profits, and everyone undergoes 
online training so they can continue to collaborate and work on a domesticated 
network. The isolation of the home corresponds with its degree of connectivity. 
The domesticated/connected subject can avoid the risk of being proximate and 
promiscuous with other possibly-infected bodies by simply connecting to the 
office meeting on Zoom, streaming culture on Netflix, ordering food on 
Postmates, venting on Facebook, and purchasing more hand sanitizer on Amazon, 
while Trump has announced that if you do end up with symptoms of the 
coronavirus all you must do is visit a site designed by Google to schedule a 
remote test. As the mobility of bodies becomes restricted to domestic spaces, 
computer keyboards dance with frenzied kinetic activity in service of slowing 
the contagion and keeping the economy stumbling along through waves of 
turbulent market volatility.

Emerging as a refrain to the domesticated/connected subject, the 
mobile/disposable subject moves at ever greater speeds and at ever greater risk 
so no one else has to. The interruption of public life is overrun by the 
feverishly accelerated mobile/disposable subject that is connected and 
subservient to the same informatic networks that connect domesticated/connected 
subjects to planetary economies. Commanded by smartphone apps delivering 
endless streams of pings and alerts that steer them from one gig to the next 
through nearly vacant streets, migrant workers on electric bikes have never 
been in higher demand, carrying food boxes from restaurants, bags of groceries 
from supermarkets, and miscellany from pharmacies, bodegas, and liquor stores 
to all of the salaried domesticated/connected workers who, now confined at 
home, create vast deluges of online orders. Amazon truck drivers speed across 
neighborhoods, always over capacity and behind impossible-to-meet 
computationally-generated schedules, carrying boxes filled with diapers, 
batteries, bleach wipes, laptops, and breathing masks. Ambulance drivers are 
asked to simply never stop driving, while garbage workers haul larger and 
larger bags of trash filled with larger and larger volumes of domestic refuse. 
All of these workers are expected to go increasingly fast to keep up with 
increasing demand, and thus increasingly expose themselves to the contagion and 
other forms of risk associated with their embodied acceleration. The massive 
containment and isolation of the domesticated/connected subject has as its twin 
the mobile/disposable subject that constitutes the system of distribution for a 
new pandemic economy.

Both the domesticated/connected subjects working from home and the 
mobile/disposable subjects racing through the streets are ultimately brought 
together not only by the immense interconnected apparatuses of the digital 
economy but also by the blanket waves of social abandonment that now affect all 
life. When bodies of all kinds can be connected as isolated nodes on a network, 
remaining deeply reliant upon and subject to shifting algorithmic command and 
demand structures, the value of any single body approaches zero as every node 
on the network can be algorithmically swapped out and replaced with any other. 
The cybernetic management and distribution of labor and commodities allows for 
the economy to draw on the population only as needed, while effectively 
abandoning the waste that is the remainder. When a domesticated/connected 
subject gets sick with the coronavirus and can no longer work, the 
still-healthy occupants of another house are ready to log on and fill their 
place, just as when a delivery worker breaks their leg after falling off of 
their bike, another can be pinged and made to run out the door. The emerging 
economic system doesn’t spare any time thinking of what may happen to all those 
who for whatever reason cannot manage to stay connected and working in this 

The massive deterritorialization of labor spurred on by the pandemic response 
has allowed for the implementation of a newly flexible organization of work 
that frees capitalism and the capitalist state of any responsibility for life 
in general as long as the economy survives. Providing adequate testing for the 
virus, guaranteeing universal access to healthcare, and ensuring monetary 
relief to newly impoverished populations are seen as unnecessary as long as 
everyone remains willing to connect, log on, and answer the relentless call of 
capitalism’s networks. The management of the population has become synonymous 
with the management of waste, excess, and trash, and only those who have the 
ability to accelerate will be sustained and supported by the larger logistical 
and infrastructural systems of a new post-pandemic cybernetic economy, which in 
reality is just a more extreme and refined form of the capitalism we had all 
already been accustomed to living within.

In this moment it is crucial that we insist that the reterritorialization of 
our society, the corona reboot, that is presently underway is not inevitable 
nor undefeatable. In the interlude of the pandemic there is an opportunity to 
refuse the imposition of digitized commands and coercive connections while 
defending and cultivating different kinds of human relation and 
interdependency. There is a chance now for all us to consider how we might 
restart society differently rather than allow the logic of capital to 
unthinkingly do it for us. We’ll likely be in these pandemic circumstances for 
many months, so let’s use this time to disconnect from the pressures, 
exigencies, and demands of the economy and to reconnect with others in ways 
that do not conform or submit to the new kinds of acceleration and abandonment 
that are already being implemented everywhere around us.

The coronavirus pandemic marks the first time in our history that a planetary 
disruption of this kind and scale has occurred in a networked society such as 
ours, but that does not mean that we have to let the logic of capitalist 
networks be what ultimately reorganizes our ways of life. Already, we see 
mutual aid networks being constituted, new forms of digital labor being 
subverted, carceral structures being dismantled, and market logics being 
refused. We must think of this as just a beginning. How freely, wildly, and 
courageously will we allow ourselves to dream in this moment? What new 
practices of living and relationalities will we dare to put into practice? How 
can we overcome the domestic paranoia that sends people sprinting to 
supermarkets, the fear that keeps us away from neighbors, the depression that 
follows from reading the news, while also keeping one another safe and caring 
for one another as the virus spreads? How can we begin to find one another to 
act compassionately and collectively together in a struggle to arrive on the 
other side of this pandemic in a world not structured by abandonment, 
isolation, and acceleration but by the inextinguishable dignity and value of 
life itself? Each of us must dedicate ourselves to begin not only articulating 
but living answers to these questions in all of the varied situations we find 
ourselves living within.
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