As now known from Crypto AG revelations spy agencies track comprehensively but do not disclose that information, no matter the horrors observed, to protect means and methods of deception. That callous mercilessness is not new, the same concealment from the public has been an ancient practice. Professionals of all stripes, law, medicine, engineering, finance, religion, are required to keep secrets of their customers. Much of that asymmetry has found its way into the Internet.

Ubiquitous log files of every ISP, web site and forum gather information on users, ostentibly needed for administration, but not revealed to the users. Pernicious leak sites, drop boxes, crypto, infosec and comsec providers, redactors, journalists, researchers, hackers, spy contractors, may be the most villainous of offenders, outdistancing due to zero or limite regulation, regulated telcos, wi-fi operators, satellites, law enforcement, official spies.

Virulent deception, finger-pointing, blaming, bragging of virginity and trustworthiness, ethics of openness, is the disease that has and continues to perpetuate itself with black magic.

Biological virii are not likely to end this deeply ingrained all too human exploitation of earth, wind and fire. Coronavirus harm is puny compared to what organized civilization can do.

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