Hey Brian, folks,

the question is well put - thanks for this.

One aspect to add is that most of these data are already available to the GAFAM complex, and (more or less) voluntarily delivered to them by smartphone users all the time; so one may want to ask just _how_ making them available to governments, or publishing them, is worse, or different.

I would say _that_ these are definitely different trajectories of subjectivation, not least in the politico-philosophical perspective that you suggest; but I also believe that it will be worth specifying _how_ they are different. (Something that will also have to factored in is that, for various reasons, people have more or less trust in their respective governments, and in their fellow citizens.)

A question regarding the described activities to "use mobile phone data to monitor public health efforts": would they be superfluous (and the necessary data readily available) if the GAFAM complex (at this point, against the rules) collaborated with the respective governments, or if their accumulated data were requisioned?

Just speculating about who knows what...


Am 18.03.20 um 20:34 schrieb Brian Holmes:


Presumably the app connects the individual's phone account and all its
associated location info to a purpose-built database, while at the same
giving the state the legal authority to use the data. Some accuracy gain in
the geolocation is also claimed. The aim is to use the app after
full-population lockdown is over, in order to halt the formation of new
clusters. This would allow for the epidemiological management of individual
mobility over the 18th-month period before a vaccine can be rolled out
massively. Mobility-management enforced by the police, if you did not
gather that already.


In South Korea where this kind of app was first developed, all the
information is made public, apparently to promote public trust in
government (???). People have made map interfaces to visualize the data.
Check it out:



If applied in the Western societies - as the Italians intend - this would
represent a fundamental change in the social contract. Combine it with
unlimited state intervention in the economy and the mobilization of
corporations and the military for production, health care and border
closure, and you're looking at social changes far beyond what happened
after 9/11.

It has been obvious for years that Anthropocene conditions were going to
force a transformation of the state, in order to deal with new problems
emerging at the level of the population, and ultimately, of the species.
Just as the neoliberal globalization paradigm is now clearly over, it seems
that political liberalism itself will now undergo a sea-change in terms of
the theoretical inviolability of individual rights. In the face of this,
there seem to be two broad options for civil society response:

-- Publicly refuse any infringement of previously existing rights, while
privately maintaining the psycho-philosophical stance of the autonomous
individual; or

-- Participate critically in the elaboration of new population- and
species-level norms for the being-in-common of a fully cybernetic society
-- but on the ethical basis of what kind of "general intellect"????

If anyone is looking for a core problem in philosophy or political science
to work on over the next few months, maybe this is it. I reckon the
questions above are not exclusive alternatives. Instead they begin to mark
out the contested/consensual space in which the new social paradigm will
emerge. No ready-made answer on the basis of preexisting concepts and
attitudes can fill that space.

thoughtfully yours, Brian

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