> Le 22 mars 2020 à 13:29, mp <m...@aktivix.org> a écrit :
> Note the general rise ... Flu has been a pandemic across the
> world for years, in conjunction with air pollution, malnutrition,
> over-medication and other stresses on the human immune system. A
> perfect storm...?

And at the same time, in many countries, life expectancy rises.

Saying this does not deny the fact that there is severe inequality between the 
"haves" and "have nots", between the "developed" countries, technology equipped 
with an extensive healthcare system and social security (for some), and the 

Anti-capitalist critique is essential. However, what some people are posting on 
this list-- the paranoid representation of capitalism, the state, the wealthy 
as bogeymen who are all trying to transform us into zombies with wallets -- is 
intellectually deficient. 


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