Hi all, just a quick note, 

Croatia has, two days ago passed a Draft of proposal of Law on Additions to the 
Law on Electronic Communication with the Draft of the Final Proposal of Law, 
including the article 104 saying:
“processing of personal data should be legal if there is a need for the 
protection of interest which are
 vital to the protection of life of a person in question or another physical 
person. Processing of personal data on the basis of interests vital for life of 
other physical person under the assumption can be undertaken only if processing 
cannot be made on other legal basis. other types of procesing may be used for 
needs of public interests or vital interests of the person in question, as if 
the processing is in humanitarian purposes, as tracing epidemics, their 
spreading or humanitarian crisis, especially in cases caused by natural 
catastrophes or catastrophes caused by other people’s actions” (my quick 

I can here imagine benefits in tracing victims in these unstable times (severe 
weather, earthquakes for example), but also at moment electronic monitoring of 
self-isolated COVID patients, not obeying the command to quarantine, but also 
migrant crisis I suppose? 




> On 22 Mar 2020, at 16:58, Richard Grusin <rgru...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:rgru...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Yes, as a friend said to me yesterday, COVID-19 is a shot across the bow of 
> the anthropocene.

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