On 2020-03-23 20:57, John Hopkins wrote:
> Cecile -- plz avoid editorializing on some of these links -- the
> following "now used against covid19" really is a huge mis-statement.
> There is a tiny bit of anecdotal information that chloroquine
> mitigates the virus' symptoms/effects... it is *not* being 'used
> against'. There has been no clinical testing on chloroquine/Covid19
> that would meet minimum requirements from any health/medical agency
> for safe use. *There is no 'cure' or vaccine and will not be for
> many months!* Statements that support a misplaced belief that there
> is a 'cure' available (such as Trump has repeatedly made) are
> irresponsible.

Actually the article specifies that the chloroquine is not a vaccine, 
but a medicine that - allegedly - slows down but does not kill the 
virus, in that is it combats infection. It has been included by the 
State Pharma agency in the provisory treatment plan against Covid since 
it had been administered with good results on patients in China.

If one wants to read the whole article (in Dutch) deepl.com does a good 
job translating to English.

Ciaoui, p+2D!

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