it’s really WEIRD that trump, an extreme authoritarian, hasn’t jumped on this 
opportunity to be a big statist dictator — it’s really what people are craving, 
why they love cuomo so much — instead he’s been doing rather the opposite, 
shoveling responsibility and authority away. Why?

Guaranteeing security is the core promise of the state — things like producing 
an abundance of ventilators or generic medications are an easy win — there’s 
nothing Smart required, you just have to do it. So, why not ?

This refusal to act — as a STATE — is so pronounced, so thorough... the push 
towards making it specific little-states faults is totally unique in the 
postwar era... in a time of crisis it’s specifically a radically anti 
federalist position... and it’s difficult to see it ending well.

It’s a radically collapsed vision of the states responsibility, and in this 
sense, I would argue that to the extent that people have begun to die because 
of this ideology, we can consider ourselves living in a collapsed state. RIP. 

-Sam Dwyer

> On Apr 3, 2020, at 4:41 AM, nettime's avid reader <> wrote:
> (Almost) auto-translated from:
> The health crisis is leading us to prepare for climate change
> by Bruno Latour

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