One thing for me seems pretty clear: the agent of the current collapse is
not a non-human agent as such! Arguing that Covid-19 is a powerful critter
that, on its own, waking up one morning and after having taken a look on
its immunological agenda, decided to kill human beings, is meaningless.
It's easy to find articles about Covid-19 as a "zoonosis"/"zoonotic
disease" and zoonosis are produced because of the Plantacionocene (see the
crucial work of Anna Tsing on that topic). And the Plantacioniocene is not
the effect of a non-human agent. And if Black people die *more* than white
people (
it's also not because of Covid-19 *as such*, right?

"African Americans face a higher risk
exposure to the virus, mostly on account of concentrating in urban areas
and working in essential industries. Only 20% of black workers reported
being eligible to work
compared with about 30% of their white counterparts, according to the
Economic Policy Institute."

Time to wake up from our immunological slumber dear friends: Covid-19 is
the non-human agent that conceals the human, social, political,
technological agent! That conceals what we did *and what we did not do *(and
what we will not do?).

My best,

Frederic Neyrat

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