*Dear nettime - long a great admirer of sampling - I am a contributor to
this spud piece “airing” on German radio this weekend - please check your
time zones against the late night German time! *

*Enjoy - alone or not alone!*


*I Can FlyA Radio Collage by Vicki Bennett*
*Created for Open Sounds on WDR 3
*Broadcasting 25 April 2020 10:04pm – Midnight (GERMANY timezone) on WDR 3
Listen to the live stream using the Play button:
The archive link will be available after Midnight that day.

People Like Us have created a new radio work for WDR around the theme of
flying, it will premiere on the above date. The radio program will also
feature an interview with Vicki Bennett about the new piece and some other
audio recordings that deal with flying, including a composition by
Christina Kubisch.


molly hankwitz

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