Throughout the years H&D has been exploring and imagining different network 
concepts and networked practices in many ways. Looking back at some of our 
activities dealing with ‘Network Imaginaries’ we are getting very excited about 
the upcoming Summer Academy!

Without rendering the current events as an opportunity we restructured our 
annual H&D Summer Academy into a distributed workshop program. In earlier 
editions we worked together with approximately 25 participants during 2 
intensive weeks. While we promote the importance of physical encounters for 
community building, making friends and allies, having discussions and start new 
initiatives, we think its important to stay safe. Our proposal is to 
collaborate with smaller groups in different places in the world, help each 
other with developing and facilitating remote learning formats that will be 
presented and shared online, with a bigger group of participants. In one week 
in July we will be all hacking and  designing in our own local communities or 
at home while being connected with the larger H&D network. H&D will support the 
different intiatives with resources and expertise, and by ensuring a learning 
infrastructure that is accessible and available to all participants. 

We therefore invite creative practitioners whose interest lie in critically and 
practically engaging with technology, to join us in reflecting and reimagining 
distributed practices. Whether it be fashion designers, system administrators, 
or disobedient citizens—we invite the H&D community and the wider public to 
learn together about network technologies in experimental and hands-on ways. 
Under the overarching title 'Network Imaginaries' we will challenge and 
activate participants to use and push the boundaries of existing technology and 
programming platforms (webware, hardware, software), online/offline networks, 
high and low tech (internet, IPFS, darknet, peer2peer, blockchain, bot 
networks), and user experience, all in a practical manner—and while addressing 
the ethical implications of the proposed technologies and processes. 

Are you a collective or a group of people interested in workshopping topics, 
technologies and practices revolving around 'Network Imaginaries'? This call is 
for you!

How does the distributed HDSA work?

We will select 6 workshop initiatives.
You will have one month time to develop a 'workshop script' that is accessible 
for anyone to join. This could be a translation of an already existing workshop 
(developed for a physical space) or an entirely new workshop script developed 
for this exceptional circumstance. That means a clear outline of the workshop, 
a video tutorial if needed, or a well documented readme file, and a list of the 
necessary equipment.
We offer a fee of 500€ for each workshop development including 100€ of material 
The 6 scripts will be made available to all participants on the week of the 
summer academy July 20-25
Workshop facilitators should be available for occasional questions from 
participants during the workshop week July 20-25.
You will be welcome to also join any of the other proposed workshops during 
that week, either as a collective or individual!
Submit your proposal here before May 15 
Or read more on our website! 
The Summer Academy will take place July 20-25, 2020


If you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out to me <>  or to 
anyone at <>

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