
Thank you for writing at this time...can’t speak for Europe, but here it’s

Canada sometimes seems to feel protests there follow protest here...do
these expectations of American influence preclude honest revolt against
racism which is present in other countries? Protest is what it is. It’s
protest. It’s rebellion against state-power, property, inequality...

we have  this racist president voted in by those who envision a more white
nation - for whites, by whites.

Riots are long in coming. before COVID -  #BlackLivesMatter, Ferguson,
Oakland Moms4Houses, Rodney King, Watts, perennial efforts to use civil
justice system to press for change; the tide in deaths of African Americans
at hand of police More frequently reported thanks to SOCIAL media.

“excessive use of force” traveling among patriarchal bodies - like a
fascist dance move.

Intensity of self isolation, black communities hardest hit by virus - low
wage workers, underlying health problems, stress from poverty, systemic
displacement, (school closures affecting black children harder) and
Minneapolis’ unforgiving history of racist brutality, urban segregation,
civic disregard from white leaders. Apologies for back story, but it needs

Current protests widely supported in person (by the young and old, black
and white alike) in faith and justice — throughout mixed urban communities.
Looting supported as general form of expressing rage where there is so
little voice.

 Police guard property wearing military garb. High tech policing building
for two decades.

The assumption of dissenters —-government won’t take on an armed, military
action against their own people THAT may be ...breaking...

Trump tries to curtail social media for being unfair to conservative

What we witness is that famed, historicized civil rights movement of
MLK...only more progressive than before because of education...and
definitely not breaking...

No justice
No peace

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