> On Sep 1, 2020, at 12:54 PM, Brian Holmes <bhcontinentaldr...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> It's deep night. I can't sleep. I can't get two images out of my mind.
> The first is a pudgy-faced boy of 17 with a semi-automatic rifle strapped 
> close to his chest, striding through the urban night with juvenile 
> confidence, explaining his vigilante mission to anyone with a camera. 
> Suddenly the shooting starts, a man is dead on the ground with a bullet in 
> his head and the murderous kid who adulates the fire department and the cops 
> is running from a crowd in hot pursuit: he topples to the pavement, regains 
> his footing in a flash, expertly kills one of his assailants then wounds 
> another, fires bursts in the air to scatter the rest and goes on running 
> alone down the street, first raising his arms in weird surrender to no one, 
> then striding confidently again through the headlights of the police cruisers 
> and the armored personnel carriers. He pauses for some kind of truncated 
> conversation through an open cop car window - and then he's gone into the 
> dull, sleepless night of a thousand screens and a thousand cellphone videos.
> The second image is all bright color like a TV commercial: an endless parade 
> formation of outsized pickup trucks on the highway, shiny like fresh ink on a 
> dealership lease, with white mens' faces and gesticulating fists poked out 
> the windows, American flags and TRUMP/Pence banners flying in the back. They 
> take the exit and roll down what used to be steep river bluffs, all the way 
> to the city center where they shoot paintballs and pepper spray at mixed-race 
> protesters who jeer and throw stuff and brandish sticks, while fistfights 
> break out on the sidewalks amid stalled traffic. Twilight turns into night 
> and there's just a few trucks left at the moment of the clash: this time the 
> dead man is a Trump supporter, a member of the far-right group Patriot 
> Prayer, flat on his back, stripped of his shirt, surrounded by cops, a bullet 
> through his chest. No one yet says a word about who killed him.
> The first image is from Kenosha, that unknown suburb just fifty miles from 
> where I live. The second image is from Portland, that city by the Willamette 
> River that I've come to love over the past few years. The nightmare is the 
> USA, that country on the edge of a fascist takeover.
> ***
> Eighty years ago, the US and its allies fought a war against the Axis powers, 
> won it at the price of unbelievable destruction, and then were faced with the 
> daunting task of "de-nazifying" and "de-imperializing" the ruined nations of 
> Germany and Japan. They did it with all the rationalist efficiency of 
> cultural engineering, they created a liberal world order with dollars and jet 
> bombers, they prevailed against the Soviet challenger and in the 1990s they 
> completed the job, making capitalism universal with the undersea cables of 
> the Internet. In the process they brutalized their own people, sending 
> generation after generation of their working classes to wars of strategy 
> (against Communism) and wars of greed (in the oil-rich Middle East), while at 
> the same time grinding generation after generation of Black and Brown people 
> into the dust of disrespect, dead-end jobs, unemployment and police 
> repression. 
> Now the wheel of history has spun full circle, and "we" are the fascists. The 
> current inhabitant of the White House wants to live there for twelve more 
> bright white years - and his supporters, like football fans or players with 
> brain injuries, see only him, know only him, live only through his callous 
> and brutal words and gestures.
> Trump has studied the Hungarian playbook (via his adviser Sebastian Gorkha), 
> he has packed the courts, filled his administration with unquestioning 
> loyalists, and trained his faithful - perhaps 30 or even 40 percent of the 
> population - to respond to his endless stream of racist dog whistles and his 
> craven mouthing of bigoted religion. This is a serious adversary. With a 
> collapsing economy and a rising pandemic at his back, he has staked his last 
> chance on a culture war with live ammunition, in hopes that the desperation 
> of losing everything will drive the entire country into the kind of violent 
> chaos that permits either another darkhorse victory at the polls, or failing 
> that, an administrative coup with the backing of the police and the militias.
> This is not the supremely complex network society that we critiqued here on 
> nettime twenty years ago. This is not the post-Fordism of the Italian 
> autonomists or the neoliberalism described by David Harvey. This is what 
> happens when those things break down. This is fascism.
> Twenty years ago I was able to spark a global conversation about the flexible 
> personality. What you are seeing in action right now is the authoritarian 
> personality. It does not only operate through the domination of a leader. It 
> also operates through the submission of those who compensate for their own 
> abjection by outbursts of armed aggression. This sadomasochistic tango is 
> unfolding at a moment of profound global anxiety, as the pandemic lurks and 
> breaks out again, and as the world economy contracts to degrees previously 
> unseen, preparing a fiscal crisis of every state on earth that will strike in 
> earnest next year, when the taxman comes up radically short and the national 
> coffers go bare. It is in everyone's interest to work out a valid, objective 
> and shareable analysis of this threat, and a political pathway for overcoming 
> it, in reality and not just in theory. 
> If you believe in the old liberal formula of letting it work its way through 
> the courts, you are in the grip of serious self-delusion. If you believe in 
> the old leftist formula of duking it out in the streets, you have failed to 
> take the measure of the adversary. You can't duke it out with an AR-15. It 
> will take the full spectrum of society - cross-race, cross-class, 
> professionals, neighborhood activists, industrialists, millionaires - to beat 
> this thing.
> Hitler rose to dictatorial power through the demonization of Jews and 
> leftists. Trump is trying to do it through the demonization of Blacks and 
> leftists.

Dear Brian, thanks for this!

> How to survive the American autumn?

Take care of yourself before you take care of others.

> How to de-nazify the USA?

It's going to take a lot of effort, and a lot of time.
The nuclear arsenal is a huge problem. A few systems
will have to be shut down asap, like for-profit prisons
with guaranteed occupancy rates, or the scam that is
for-profit education. The justice system will be crucial:
over the last four years, it has been stacked with idiots
and lunatics, and they will remain judges forever. If the
role of judges is reduced to something merely ceremonial,
and justice is delivered by juries, or similar, this will
be less of an issue. but that's a major reform project.
other than that, massive and immediate reduction of co2
output is a prerequisite, and it would be good if someone
put all the mailboxes back in place. a postal system is a
good thing to have, for all kinds of purposes.

> How to set up new local, national and regional systems for the heavy weather 
> that's coming - the heavy weather of the Anthropocene?

BLM - as a remarkably inclusive grassroots organization
that does a lot of the work that the state has abandoned
- seems to be a good model to join, follow or build upon.

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