On Thu, Sep 17, 2020 at 5:24 PM Flick Harrison <fl...@flickharrison.com>

> Bad actors would have escaped even more easily from the collapsing
> regulatory frameworks with their money.  It would, if anything, have
> provided a hyper-Switzerland safe haven for tax avoidance, money laundering
> and illegal transactions for all the new money the corporations were
> siphoning out of national economies…

There was a debate here on nettime years ago about Satoshi's founding
paper, where it was more or less concluded that Bitcoin was directly
inspired by Von Mises and Hayek. It's here:
https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-1712/msg00061.html   Felix
said that a powerful driver of Bitcoin had been

anarcho-capitalist ideology which
wants to break the government monopoly over money (along lines developed
by F.A. Hayek in the 1970s)

That's a reference to Hayek's book "The Denationalization of Money'.

I am not Bitcoin-literate enough to judge the details, but that debate
always remained in memory. I think the disadvantages are pretty much
exactly as you say, Flick.
It's important to note that Delaware became a hyper-Switzerland in the
course of the 1980s....

best, BH
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