Hi David,

Nobody doubts the difficulties you and many, many others are facing
right now and there is no use in competing in suffering. It's something
we all want less of.

I think the point re: Couldry and Schneir, was that already before
Covid-19, many people did not have the luxury of planning their lifes
against a stable horizon. I've always been amazed at my own capacity
(more structural than personal, obviously) to be able to deliver on a
promise to be at a particular spot, at a particular hour, far into the
future, across a large distance. But that has always been a rather
unusual position. And under Covid, it's downright rare.

But what struck me as really strange in this article is that everything
that Covid does in terms of making the future less certain, climate
change will do at orders of magnitude greater. Of course, many people
are living through climate disaster already, but it will help none that
many more will experience it the near future as well.

So, I generally think we should adjust our frame of reference to
understand the dislocations caused by the pandemic as an instance of
more dramatic things to come. Not all of them need to be bad.


On 28.09.20 14:22, d.gar...@new-tactical-research.co.uk wrote:
> Boohoo indeed Ingrid,
> strange that you think this is a condition only suffered by white males
> in these weird and particular times.
> In the UK at least Black and Asian minorities are disproportionally
> affected by the pandemic and so also highly likely to
> be disorientated not just in the old but also in wholly new ways.


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