The election is a sorry excuse for politics, let alone democracy.

There is no Left candidate. Biden is a human placeholder for the washed up
hollow promises of neoliberal “normalcy”, and Trump is the cartoon version
of a rich person with equally cartoonish ideas around governance (which
isn’t to belittle the vast and very concrete destructiveness he has/is

There is very little room in “the election” and mainstream discourse to
attend to the pressing issues bearing down on everyday life.

On Sun, Oct 4, 2020 at 5:16 AM Max Herman <> wrote:

> Why is there nothing appearing here about the US election?
> I sound like a jerk to myself typing this but the silence is unexpected.
> Are we all too afraid to say anything, or all just busy with other
> platforms?
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*G. Vincent Gaulin*

211 Keese St.
Pendleton, SC
m. 864-247-8207
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