On 2020-10-04 23:04, carlo von lynX wrote:


These folks have been criticizing 'Social Dilemma' in a style much
like we saw a decade ago doubting the existence of a global planetary
heating crisis. Much like when Al Gore's documentary came out, which
then turned out to be mostly accurate.


(Not so) surprisingly, the same appears to happen with 'the health situation', where it is not only the clown-in-chief who downplays the dangerousness of Covid19, but also a certain class of professionals, a few medical, if most not, dubbed by the French daily Libération yesterday 'the reassurists', the people telling you it's not that bad, that ever stricter measures are exxagerated, and thereby stirring up the kind of 'resistance' one is witnessing 'on the other side of the Atlantic' in caricatural form.


& more, it was the theme of the day.

"Don't Happy, Be Worry" -Rambo Amadeus

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