dear friends and colleagues - whilst our stomach's churn over the upcoming
"election" - here is some glorious eye-candy from bryan boyce, our favorite
media-hacker/culture jammer in san francisco...peace! xxx love xxx
everybody please love each other because we are not going to survive
without *love*

molly hankwitz - she/her

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Bryan Boyce <>
Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2020 at 2:15 PM
Subject: get out the vote!
To: Bryan Boyce <>

Hello friends,

I made two mercifully brief get-out-the-vote videos (42 seconds total
running time for both.) If you’ve already voted and / or you can’t stand to
look at that orange face any longer, you are absolutely welcome to leave
the links below unclicked. But if, like me, you have a crazy uncle or
friend who loves George W. Bush but also understands that Covid-19 isn’t a
hoax, feel free to forward these to them.

I can’t guarantee these videos will change any minds, but they should at
least encourage some healthy cognitive dissonance, if not outright

All the best to you and yours.
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