Hi Eric, re: "Where the f. is the Green Party or something like that in the
US???" the short answer is that the system is structured so as to make a
third party effectively impossible. We would need to adopt a different
electoral system for it to be feasible.

On Mon, Nov 16, 2020 at 6:00 AM <nettime-l-requ...@mail.kein.org> wrote:

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> Today's Topics:
>    1. Re: why is it so quiet (in the US) (Eric Kluitenberg)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 16 Nov 2020 10:50:25 +0100
> From: Eric Kluitenberg <e...@xs4all.nl>
> To: nettime-l <nettim...@mx.kein.org>
> Subject: Re: <nettime> why is it so quiet (in the US)
> Message-ID: <34dbcc00-702a-4e31-803b-89ec4876e...@xs4all.nl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> HI Ted, all,
> Fascinating discussion in ominous times..
> > On 16 Nov 2020, at 04:02, tbyfield <tbyfi...@panix.com> wrote:
> >
> > The US is breaking down, so it's not at all surprising that some of its
> language for describing the world would as well.
> From a continental European perspective I?m watching this spectacle (don?t
> know what else to call it, without immediately invoking Debord and beyond),
> and I?m not well enough informed to have any definite reading, but my
> impression is not that the US is ?breaking down?. Much rather it seems that
> the US is embroiled in a profound political crisis that plays out on many
> different levels.
> For non-UK Europeans this whole electoral system tied to voting districts
> and the ?first-past-the post? principle does not make much sense, nor does
> the two party (Republicrat) party system, where none of the other political
> parties that do exist across the US get represented in the legislature.
> Despite the important consideration that much of ?democracy? happens
> outside the formal legislative institutions (i.e. issue-based displacement
> of politics, freedom of assembly, the right to strike, referenda, and more
> spontaneous and/or affect driven forms of assembly), implying that we
> should not get trapped in a hyper-focus on the formal institutions, still
> at the moment when these formal institutions enter into a state of crisis,
> as is apparent now in the US, this warrants attention. At the very least
> these formal institutions  should be able to guarantee these other
> ?democratic? or civil rights to be exercised extra-institutionally.
> What this signals to me, from my limited Eurocentric (male / straight,
> etc.) perspective is an urgent need for institutional reform. At the very
> least some form of proportional representation in the voting system and a
> much lower threshold for different collective political actors to enter the
> legislature. Just to ask the most obvious question: ?Where the f. is the
> Green Party or something like that in the US???
> It would also allow the so-called ?populists? to enter on their own terms,
> which is a good thing because then they can be confronted head on. Europe
> has its own severe problems with those kinds of political movements and it
> forces the mainstream to acknowledge that and do something with it before
> they become a MEGA* type of movement. In NL we have seen a persistent
> presence for the last 20 or so years of political actors (the biological
> and political bodies changing and morphing all the time) of about 20% of
> the vote of people who simply want nothing (they don?t want immigrants,
> they don?t want environmental protective policies, they don?t want taxes,
> the don't want lefties, they don?t want the EU, they don?t want
> globalisation, they don?t want other people parking in the parking lot in
> front of their house, etc etc..).
> Maybe Germany can serve as a model for the US? It also has a federal
> structure and a 5% threshold for parties to enter parliament. That all
> seems to work reasonably well (at least for the last 70 years).
> The other thing is this presidential system. That just does not make any
> sense to me at all anymore - what is this some 21st century Leviathan? Get
> rid of that, appoint some symbolical nobody and let the country be run by a
> coalition of differential political groupings who can work out the best way
> forward together (harmonically if possible, contestationally if necessary).
> Please people across the great pond, get your act together!
> all bests,
> Eric
> p.s. - * MEGA - Make Europe Great Again
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