On 17/01/2021 15:03, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:
> I think the recent success of MAS in Boliva is instructive here. MAS,
> from what I understand, is not the movement, but rather it is referred
> to as "the instrument" of the movement. Even short of a Coup like the
> one against Morales, participation in bourgeois democracy is inherently
> opportunist, so there is always a risk of the political representatives
> becoming unmoored from the people and identifying with their new found
> peers in the political class instead.
> If leadership is vested in the "instruments," like the political
> representatives in bourgeois parliaments, rather than in the movements,
> the movements can be cut of at the head.

A number of indigenous movements in both Bolivia and Ecuador have all
along shouted loudly about this, since 2007/8 in the contexts of Morales
and Correa.

They felt used and cut off.

As many anarchists have noted, this is a structural and
socio-psychological problem with power as such - it corrupts - and as
also has been noted, once in power there are external forces (other
actors - corporations and states with il/legal pressures).

Can this problem be overcome? What are the ways forward?

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