> Re: The Left Needs a New Strategy

Some people have said that January 6 turned out to be, for many of the
participants, little more than a photo op. In 1998, Paul Virilio said “the
great ‘danger to the system’ is no longer that of the bankruptcy of
companies or banks in a chain reaction, such as we have recently seen in
Asia, but the formidable threat of a blinding, of a collective blindness on
the part of humanity – the unprecedented possibility of a defeat of facts
and hence a disorientation of our relation to reality.” He was speaking of
what he called an “image crash” as the once dominant medium of television
converges with “the most immense enterprise of opinion transformation ever
attempted in ‘peacetime’, an undertaking which has scant regard for the
collective intelligence or the culture of nations” – the web.

He said these things in “The Information Bomb” (1998) in which he credits
Einstein as the origin of this warning. Roger Stahl has a nice summary of
the concept at


We see that this is in fact happening. We have even labeled it The
Post-Truth Era. It is upon us. And it has been years, if not decades, in
the making. As we speak of a new strategy for the Left, take a look at the
outstanding abilities of right-wing propaganda. There are the obvious
latter day wars in such things as meme-making as a simplified but more
direct continuation of the grand history of editorializing. And there are
more insidious manifestations throughout modern media found in such things
as sports radio and morning shows. This direct signaling and reinforcement
is both subtle and effective. A message that one can “read” simply through
veiled cues reaches people where other approaches don’t. And then there is

The New Yorker podcast recently had someone on who has likened QAnon to
Augmented Reality gaming:


An Information Bomb as immersive media.


- *Anthony Stephenson*

*http://anthonystephenson.org/ <http://anthonystephenson.org/>*
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